Public Records Request

Public Records Request Coordination
For Cochise College, all public records requested are coordinated through the Office of the Vice President for Administration.
Non-Commercial Request
To request inspection and/or copies, printouts or photographs of public records, please complete the form below. Please be specific so that the records can be easily identified.
Fees: Non-commercial request requiring under two hours of staff time ($25) | Non-commercial request requiring more than two hours of staff time ($50)
If paper records are requested, the above fees apply plus copy charges ($0.25/page)
and applicable postage/shipping.
Commercial Request
A “commercial purpose” is the use of all or part of a public record for the purpose of:
- sale, or resale
- producing a document for sale
- obtaining names and addresses from the record for the purpose of solicitation
- selling names and addresses from the record to another for the purposes of solicitation or other monetary gain
- any other purpose in which the purchaser can reasonably anticipate the receipt of monetary gain from the direct or indirect use of such public record
Fees: Commercial request ($50) | If paper records are requested, the above fees apply plus copy charges ($0.25/page) and applicable postage/shipping.
Commercial purpose does not mean the use of public records as evidence or as research for evidence in an action before a judicial or quasi-judicial body.
WARNING: Arizona Revised Statute §39-121.03(C) provides: A person who obtains a public record for a commercial purpose without indicating the commercial purpose or who obtains a public record for a noncommercial purpose and uses or knowingly allows the use of such public record for a commercial purpose or who obtains a public record for a commercial purpose and uses or knowingly allows the use of such public record for a different commercial purpose or who obtains a public record from anyone other than the custodian of such records and uses it for a commercial purpose shall in addition to other penalties be liable to the state or the political subdivision from which the public record was obtained for damages in the amount of three times the amount which would have been charged for the public record had the commercial purpose been stated plus costs and reasonable attorney fees or shall be liable to the state or the political subdivision for the amount of three times the actual damages if it can be shown that the public record would not have been provided had the commercial purpose of actual use been stated at the time of obtaining the records. Furthermore, if a false statement is given, the requester may also be guilty of a felony. A.R.S.§39-161.