Administration of Justice

Associate of Arts Degree

  • Transfer To University
Administration of Justice

Administration of Justice

Behavioral Sciences & Human Services


A degree in administration of justice will allow you to serve your community and keep your neighborhood safe. Work in these areas:

  • Law Enforcement Officer (City, County, State, Federal)
  • Inspector for Customs or US Postal Service
  • US Marshal
  • Federal Agent (Border Patrol, FBI, DEA)
  • Correctional Officer
  • Parole and Probation Officer
  • Juvenile Justice Counselor
  • Courts, Law, Forensics, Crime Investigation

Learning Outcomes

Students who successfully complete this program will be able to do the following:

  • Explain the historical development of American criminal law from its English common law roots to the present and explain the impact of history upon the modern-day criminal justice system in the United States.
  • Define and effectively use all forms of American legal terminology.
  • Describe the organization, characteristics, and career fields of the United States' system of criminal justice, including law enforcement, the courts, corrections, and juvenile justice.
  • Identify the key provisions of the Bill of Rights and the United States' Constitution that pertain to civil liberties and civil rights and differentiate among competing theories of constitutional interpretation and judicial review.
  • Examine the fundamental ethical characteristics required in the criminal justice profession and demonstrate critical reasoning in the application of ethics to common criminal justice dilemmas.
  • Analyze current issues and trends in crime rates, criminal behavior, and social trends as they impact the criminal justice process.
  • Appraise the relationship of socio-economic status, gender, and race and ethnicity to the definition of crime and to adjudication and sentencing.

Admissions Requirements

There are no special admissions requirements for this program.

Degree & Certificates

The Administration of Justice Associate of Arts (AA) degree is designed to prepare students for a wide variety of criminal justice career fields or for transfer into university degree programs. The degree also provides additional training for certified law enforcement and corrections professionals. To ensure seamless transfer, students must develop their specific program of study in close coordination with a Cochise College advisor.

Program Information

Start Dates

Spring: January 13, 2025

Summer: May 27, 2025

Fall: August 18, 2025


Review the degree map in the academic catalog to view the recommended program semester start dates.

Review the degree map in the academic catalog to view the recommended program semester start dates.

Program Length

Degree: 4 Semesters

This is the recommended program length for a student taking all of the recommended courses each semester.

This is the recommended program length for a student taking all of the recommended courses each semester.

Total Credits

Degree: 60-62 credits

The academic catalog has a list of all of the required courses for this program.

The academic catalog has a list of all of the required courses for this program.



Please see the Tuition & Fees page for more information about all related costs. Using the Academic Program Cost section can help you find costs related to certain programs.

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Please see the Tuition & Fees page for more information about all related costs. Using the Academic Program Cost section can help you find costs related to certain programs.

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Spring: January 13, 2025

Summer: May 27, 2025

Fall: August 18, 2025


Review the degree map in the academic catalog to view the recommended program semester start dates.

the douglas campus

Review the degree map in the academic catalog to view the recommended program semester start dates.

the douglas campus

Degree: 4 Semesters

This is the recommended program length for a student taking all of the recommended courses each semester.

courtyard of the art department on sierra vista campus

This is the recommended program length for a student taking all of the recommended courses each semester.

courtyard of the art department on sierra vista campus

Degree: 60-62 credits

The academic catalog has a list of all of the required courses for this program.


The academic catalog has a list of all of the required courses for this program.



Please see the Tuition & Fees page for more information about all related costs. Using the Academic Program Cost section can help you find costs related to certain programs.

Learn More
desert plants on the sierra vista campus

Please see the Tuition & Fees page for more information about all related costs. Using the Academic Program Cost section can help you find costs related to certain programs.

desert plants on the sierra vista campus

Administration of Justice Instructors



Raley, Donald

Douglas: (520) 417-4053

Sierra Vista: (520) 515-3631

Wagner, Jeremy

Douglas: (520) 417-4053

Sierra Vista: (520) 515-3631

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