
Spanish at Cochise College

Did you know Arizona state universities require four semesters of a language for all Liberal Arts Degrees? Get started here at Cochise College! The Cochise College Spanish Department provides high-quality language instruction in a variety of modalities to be able to meet student needs: Traditional face-to-face courses are made stronger with a hybrid component, Live-streaming courses are just like a face-to-face class but meet via Zoom, and online courses are flexible courses so students can work at their own pace while still providing live-sessions for students to interact using Spanish.

Keep checking our webpage for exciting upcoming cultural events and Spanish related opportunities for students.

Bilingual Conversations

Faculty and staff are welcome to join us every first Wednesday at 3pm in the Que Pas on Douglas Campus to speak Spanish. You can also join by Zoom: 362-405-8452. Only know a few words in Spanish? You are welcome to join too! Let's get together and speak Spanish! 


CLEP (College Level Examination Program)

CLEP candidates must register for CLEP online at the CLEP website before contacting the testing center to schedule an appointment.  After registering and paying for a CLEP exam, candidates are provided a payment receipt and a Ticket ID and then may use the “Schedule an Appointment” button above to schedule a testing date and time.

In addition to the CLEP fee paid during registration, candidates will be required to pay a Cochise College test administration fee. At the scheduled testing time all CLEP candidates must present a valid CLEP exam registration ticket and authorized identification. Candidates should review all additional exam day information before arriving to test.

Would You Like to Take the CLEP for Free?!

Click on the link below to learn how the Modern States Program can help.

Modern States Program (PDF)

What are you waiting for?

Let’s get started!

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