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Veterans Assistance
The Arizona Department of Veterans’ Services has approved Cochise College to offer
veteran education benefits to qualifying veterans and dependents. Whether a student
is eligible to receive education benefits is based on approval or denial of the Department
of Veterans Affairs (DVA) after the student submits an application to the DVA.
The staff members of Veterans’ Affairs are Cochise College employees, who cannot counsel veterans on their benefits. We can assist veteran students with applying for veterans’ educational benefits. Our job is to certify a veteran’s enrollment to the DVA so the veteran can receive his or her educational benefits.

School Certifying Officials
The staff members of Veterans’ Affairs are Cochise College employees, who cannot counsel veterans on their benefits. We can assist veteran students with applying for veterans’ educational benefits. Our job is to certify a veteran’s enrollment to the DVA so the veteran can receive his or her educational benefits.
For more information or help on getting started with your GI Bill, please contact Cochise College’s Certifying Official.
School Certifying Official for students:
Letter Cut A-K: Tinesha Smith | (520) 452-2680 |
Letter Cut L-Z: Coleen Thrasher | (520) 515-3651 |
Important: All notifications sent by this office go to your Cochise College email.
Veterans Checklist
All students requesting Veterans Education Benefits have Veterans Administration requirements as well as required school paperwork. Use the Veterans Checklist (PDF) to ensure all paperwork is submitted.
Steps To Apply

Visit the admissions webpage and complete an admissions application to be accepted as a student at Cochise College.

If you have never used your Veterans Education benefits before then visit the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (website). Read about the Post 9/11 bill and other programs and then apply for benefits through their website.
If you have used your Veterans Education benefits before then visit the EVA VONAPP (website).
VA forms on the VONAPP site:
- 22‐1990: For applying for chapters CH 30, CH 1606, CH 1607 and CH 33 (Post 9/11)
- 22‐1990 E: If your spouse or parent transferred benefits to you under the Post 9/11 GI bill
- 22‐1995: Mostly used for changing school for chapters CH 30, CH 1606, CH 1607, and CH 33 (Post 9/11)
- 22‐5490: For applying for benefits for CH 35
- 22‐5495: Mostly used for changing schools for CH 35

Read Veteran Student General Information (PDF) and Veteran Student Policies (PDF) for veteran students at Cochise College. Veteran's Checklist (PDF).

Visit and order your Joint Service Transcript (JST) (website), if applicable, and all transcripts from previous colleges. The instructions for doing this can be found in the Ordering Prior Military Training (PDF). Former Air Force students will get transcripts from the Community College of the Air Force.
Use the following steps to ensure your transcripts are evaluated.
Request that the transcripts be sent to the Cochise College Army Education Center on Fort Huachuca.
Contact within 2-3 business days to confirm your transcript has been received. If you do not send this email, your transcripts will not be evaluated.
Air Force - CCAF Transcripts (website) is handled as a regular transcript, mailed to Cochise College at:
Cochise College | Attn: Transcripts
901 North Colombo | Sierra Vista, AZ 85635

Make an appointment with Advising to complete the Veterans Prior Training Review Form (PDF) before certification of enrollment can be sent to the VA. Submit the completed form to the financial aid desk.
All Cochise College students using veterans’ benefits must complete and submit a Semester Benefit Request form (online form) each semester they want to receive VA educational benefits for classes. Submit the completed form to the financial aid desk.

Make an appointment with Accessibility Services to find out if you qualify for no-cost no-obligation services (i.e. accommodation, tutoring, community club) (520) 515-5337.

Make sure you turn in the Semester Benefit Request (step 5) the day you register to the Financial Aid desk, so your enrollment can be confirmed. If not done then you may be dropped for non‐payment of tuition and fees.
Make sure the classes that you have registered for are approved classes from your Veteran Prior Training Review Form (step 5). If the registered classes are not approved on your prior training review they cannot be sent to the VA for benefits. You must see an advisor and update your degree map and then forward it to financial Aid for approval.
Contact Us
Cochise College's Financial Aid Veterans’ Services Specialists can assist veteran students with applying for veterans’ educational benefits.
- Contact Information
- Letter Cut A-K:
Tinesha Smith: 520.452.2680 - Letter Cut L-Z:
Coleen Thrasher: 520.515.3651 - Email:
- Cochise College - Sierra Vista Campus
- 901 N. Colombo Ave
- Sierra Vista, AZ 85635
- Get Directions